Monday, November 7, 2016

Join The Show Live This Friday 11 November When I Am Dave Allen's Radio Guest On WSCW

You're invited to participate in the  "Dave Allen Live!" show this Friday, 11 November, at 10AM when I am Dave's guest on WSCW radio, 1410 AM and

Dave says he wants to discuss election results and social issues. 

Joseph Higginbotham has written hundreds of articles and columns for dozens of magazines, journals and newspapers and has appeared as a guest on such talk radio shows as Tri-State Talk with Mayor Bobby Nelson, The Mike Queen Show, The Jack Pattie Show, The Sue Wiley Show, The Eddie Cooper Show, The Tom Roten Morning Show and others.
Higginbotham At Large does not read or publish pseudonymous or anonymous comments. When you click the "submit" button your comment is not yet published it is merely sent to me for my approval or deletion. Commenters who hide behind "handles", nicknames or other pseudonyms will not see their comments published here. If readers won't know who you are, I will delete your comment. No Ring of Gyges for you. I like email addresses that include the submitter's actual name like mine does:

West Virginia, Saint Albans, St. Albans, Dunbar, Charleston, Kanawha, Speaker bureau, speakers bureau, speaker's bureau, speakers' bureau, guest speaker, 25177, 25143, 25303, 25309, 25301, 25302, 25305, 25311, 25314, 25304, neighborhood watch, animal rights, animal welfare, no-kill, shelters, crime watch, neighborhood crime watch, ward 4,vegan, vegetarian, liberal, liberalism, progressive, branding, naming, home rule, dog tethering,  Peoples Party, portmanteaus, ghost writer, ghostwriter, ghostwriting, ghost writing, neologisms, neologism, brand names, brand name, dog racing, Grey2K, Carey Thiel, Phil Kabler, Rob Casto, Holly Fisher, Joel Frewa, kelly stadleman, erin beck, Putnam standard, chris dickerson, west virginia record, rob byers, charleston gazette, Kate White, Pat Ward, Rob Byers, Ann Ali, Jim Workman, Erin Timony, The State Journal, Mandi Cardosi, Laura Bevan, Andi  Bernat, Heather Severt, Heather Perkins, Senge, Deming, Oshry, Seddon,  systems thinking, Rebecca Kimmons, Sarah Halstead, Church growth, game theory, systems thinking, 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Why You May Be Entitled To A Big Pay Raise On December 1, 2016

Effective December 1 of this year, the overtime salary threshold doubles from $23,660 to $47,476.

What does this mean to you? If you are an employer, it means that you may have to start tracking the time of salaried workers whose time you don’t currently track and it means that you will now have to decide whether to increase some employees’ salaries or pay them overtime when they work more than 40 hours per week. Effective December 1, employers will no longer be able to avoid paying overtime by simply giving employees “titles” like “assistant manager” then putting them on salary at around $24,000 and requiring them to work 60 or 70 hours per week. Starting December 1, American workers who work more than 40 hours per week will be entitled to get a salary increase to $47,476 or get overtime pay for any hours they work beyond 40 hours per week.

If you are one of those salaried workers who works more than 40 hours per week but doesn’t make at least $47,476 your employer will now have to track your hours.

For more information on the new overtime salary threshold, visit the Department of Labor website at

Joseph Higginbotham has written hundreds of articles and columns for dozens of magazines, journals and newspapers and has appeared as a guest on such talk radio shows as Tri-State Talk with Mayor Bobby Nelson, The Mike Queen Show, The Jack Pattie Show, The Sue Wiley Show, The Eddie Cooper Show, The Tom Roten Morning Show and others.
Higginbotham At Large does not read or publish pseudonymous or anonymous comments. When you click the "submit" button your comment is not yet published it is merely sent to me for my approval or deletion. Commenters who hide behind "handles", nicknames or other pseudonyms will not see their comments published here. If readers won't know who you are, I will delete your comment. No Ring of Gyges for you. I like email addresses that include the submitter's actual name like mine does:

West Virginia, Saint Albans, St. Albans, Dunbar, Charleston, Kanawha, Speaker bureau, speakers bureau, speaker's bureau, speakers' bureau, guest speaker, 25177, 25143, 25303, 25309, 25301, 25302, 25305, 25311, 25314, 25304, neighborhood watch, animal rights, animal welfare, no-kill, shelters, crime watch, neighborhood crime watch, ward 4,vegan, vegetarian, liberal, liberalism, progressive, branding, naming, home rule, dog tethering,  Peoples Party, portmanteaus, ghost writer, ghostwriter, ghostwriting, ghost writing, neologisms, neologism, brand names, brand name, dog racing, Grey2K, Carey Thiel, Phil Kabler, Rob Casto, Holly Fisher, Joel Frewa, kelly stadleman, erin beck, Putnam standard, chris dickerson, west virginia record, rob byers, charleston gazette, Kate White, Pat Ward, Rob Byers, Ann Ali, Jim Workman, Erin Timony, The State Journal, Mandi Cardosi, Laura Bevan, Andi  Bernat, Heather Severt, Heather Perkins, Senge, Deming, Oshry, Seddon,  systems thinking, Rebecca Kimmons, Sarah Halstead, Church growth, game theory, systems thinking, 

Monday, October 31, 2016

I'll Be Tom Roten's Radio Guest on 800 WVHU Radio Tomorrow (Tuesday Nov 1)

I’ll be @TomRoten ’s radio guest tomorrow (Tuesday Nov 1) at 7:40AM on 800 WVHU Huntington.

Outside the Huntington area you can listen live at

Friday, October 28, 2016

My Appearance On The Mike Queen Radio Show

When I lived in Lexington, KY, and wrote columns for a couple of local newspapers, I used to appear as an in-studio guest at talk shows on WVLK 590. I especially enjoyed being on Jack Pattie’s show. To this day, I don’t know if Jack agreed with my columns, my politics or anything else we talked about on his show but he was always a professional and a gentleman with me.

By contrast, one day one of Jack’s talk show colleagues booked me on her show for what I thought would be a one-on-one discussion but when I arrived at the studio I discovered that she had done what the gentlemanly Jack Pattie called “holding the cat and calling the dog.” I was the cat. Former Kentucky governor, Julian Carroll, was the dog and the talk host let him off the leash without a muzzle to shout over me throughout the entire show. 

Mike Queen did not hold the cat and call the dog. The conservative Mike Queen did not give me a hard time because I am a progressive who voted for Bernie Sanders and Charlotte Pritt. Despite our political differences, Mike was a gentleman and a professional with me just like the legendary Kentucky talk show host, Jack Pattie.

Mike Queen and I discussed my recent post about Charlotte Pritt’s long shot gubernatorial bid.

Yes, I voted for Mountain Party candidate, Charlotte Pritt.

No, I don’t think the West Virginia Democratic Party, Linda Biafore, Joe Manchin or Larry Puccio listen to Charlotte Pritt or the Bernie Sanders progressives.

And, no, I don’t think any of the major parties are taking millennials seriously or reaching out to them as much as they should.

Speaking of radio hosts, Charleston Mayor and 580 WCHS radio host, Danny Jones, has it right when he says elected leaders need to govern for younger people, not older people.

Breaking News: Mike Queen just informed me that the podcast of today's show can be heard at It's show #458.

Joseph Higginbotham has written hundreds of articles and columns for dozens of magazines, journals and newspapers and has appeared as a guest on such talk radio shows as Tri-State Talk with Mayor Bobby Nelson, The Mike Queen Show, The Jack Pattie Show, The Sue Wiley Show, The Eddie Cooper Show, The Tom Roten Morning Show and others.
Higginbotham At Large does not read or publish pseudonymous or anonymous comments. When you click the "submit" button your comment is not yet published it is merely sent to me for my approval or deletion. Commenters who hide behind "handles", nicknames or other pseudonyms will not see their comments published here. If readers won't know who you are, I will delete your comment. No Ring of Gyges for you. I like email addresses that include the submitter's actual name like mine does:

West Virginia, Saint Albans, St. Albans, Dunbar, Charleston, Kanawha, Speaker bureau, speakers bureau, speaker's bureau, speakers' bureau, guest speaker, 25177, 25143, 25303, 25309, 25301, 25302, 25305, 25311, 25314, 25304, neighborhood watch, animal rights, animal welfare, no-kill, shelters, crime watch, neighborhood crime watch, ward 4,vegan, vegetarian, liberal, liberalism, progressive, branding, naming, home rule, dog tethering,  Peoples Party, portmanteaus, ghost writer, ghostwriter, ghostwriting, ghost writing, neologisms, neologism, brand names, brand name, dog racing, Grey2K, Carey Thiel, Phil Kabler, Rob Casto, Holly Fisher, Joel Frewa, kelly stadleman, erin beck, Putnam standard, chris dickerson, west virginia record, rob byers, charleston gazette, Kate White, Pat Ward, Rob Byers, Ann Ali, Jim Workman, Erin Timony, The State Journal, Mandi Cardosi, Laura Bevan, Andi  Bernat, Heather Severt, Heather Perkins, Senge, Deming, Oshry, Seddon,  systems thinking, Rebecca Kimmons, Sarah Halstead, Church growth, game theory, systems thinking, 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Joseph Higginbotham Will Be On Mike Queen's Radio Show This Friday 28 October

I will be Mike Queen's radio guest this Friday 28 October on his WAJR radio show in Clarksburg. 

Time: 9AM. 

Topic - and these are Mike Queen's words - "The Intrigue Surrounding Charlotte Pritt's Candidacy." 

My Charleston area friends can stream the show live at I'll  only be on for 15 minutes so don't tune in late. 

Joseph Higginbotham has written hundreds of articles and columns for dozens of magazines, journals and newspapers and has appeared as a guest on such talk radio shows as Tri-State Talk with Mayor Bobby Nelson, The Mike Queen Show, The Jack Pattie Show, The Sue Wiley Show, The Eddie Cooper Show and others.
Higginbotham At Large does not read or publish pseudonymous or anonymous comments. When you click the "submit" button your comment is not yet published it is merely sent to me for my approval or deletion. Commenters who hide behind "handles", nicknames or other pseudonyms will not see their comments published here. If readers won't know who you are, I will delete your comment. No Ring of Gyges for you. I like email addresses that include the submitter's actual name like mine does:

West Virginia, Saint Albans, St. Albans, Dunbar, Charleston, Kanawha, Speaker bureau, speakers bureau, speaker's bureau, speakers' bureau, guest speaker, 25177, 25143, 25303, 25309, 25301, 25302, 25305, 25311, 25314, 25304, neighborhood watch, animal rights, animal welfare, no-kill, shelters, crime watch, neighborhood crime watch, ward 4,vegan, vegetarian, liberal, liberalism, progressive, branding, naming, home rule, dog tethering,  Peoples Party, portmanteaus, ghost writer, ghostwriter, ghostwriting, ghost writing, neologisms, neologism, brand names, brand name, dog racing, Grey2K, Carey Thiel, Phil Kabler, Rob Casto, Holly Fisher, Joel Frewa, kelly stadleman, erin beck, Putnam standard, chris dickerson, west virginia record, rob byers, charleston gazette, Kate White, Pat Ward, Rob Byers, Ann Ali, Jim Workman, Erin Timony, The State Journal, Mandi Cardosi, Laura Bevan, Andi  Bernat, Heather Severt, Heather Perkins, Senge, Deming, Oshry, Seddon,  systems thinking, Rebecca Kimmons, Sarah Halstead, 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Why "Berners For Charlotte Pritt" Are In A Prisoner's Dilemma

A group of Bernie Sanders voters has been kicking around the idea of trying to prevent Bill Cole or Jim Justice from winning the governor's race. We've realized that if all Bernie voters cooperate to vote for Charlotte Pritt, we could elect Pritt governor. 
But it's a risky attempt. It's a classic "Prisoner's Dilemma." If you like movies and TV shows about police and lawyers, you've seen the prisoner's dilemma. You separate two criminals and interrogate them separately and temp each to turn on the other in exchange for a better deal. It almost never happens, but if the two suspects don't "defect" and refuse to take individual deals  or turn against one another, the police can't touch them. But if the two suspects are willing o turn  on each other in exchange for leniency - and they usually are - the cops get the info they need to build an airtight case. 
"Berners For Charlotte Pritt" has a classic prisoner's dilemma with a huge number of individual actors who could defect and vote for one of the front-runners. If we all refuse to settle for Cole or Justice and we stick together, we can elect Pritt and save West Virginia from both of the frontrunners but if, say half of the Bernie vote defects from the rest of us and votes for Justice or Cole, West Virginia gets a governor who is unacceptable. 
In game theory notation it looks like this:
T>R>P>S. Translation: Temptation to defect is perceived to be greater than Reward to cooperate which is greater than the perceived Penalty for defection which is greater than the perceived Sucker's reward for cooperation. In plain English, just as the two suspects distrust each other so much they gladly defect from the plan to tell the police nothing, Bernie voters may believe that we can't get all the other voters to stick together and vote for Pritt so we may be tempted to vote for Justice to prevent a Cole governorship. 
Like all prisoner's dilemmas, the plan to get all Bernie voters to vote for Pritt only works if we stick together. The risk is that we don't stick together and we elect take just enough votes from Justice to elect Cole.
To elect Pritt we need a "Stag Hunt" outcome that looks like this: R>T>P>S. The perceived Reward for cooperating is greater than the Temptation to defect which is greater than the Penalty for Defection which is greater than the fear of a Sucker's payoff.
Some of the Berners plan to hold their noses and vote for Jim Justice. If only some of these reluctant Justice voters vote for Pritt because they don't think they can trust us all to vote for Pritt, we elect Bill Cole. 
I'm voting for Charlotte Pritt.

And I’ll cast a write-in vote for Senator Bernie Sanders.

Joseph Higginbotham has written hundreds of articles and columns for dozens of magazines, journals and newspapers. 
Higginbotham At Large does not read or publish pseudonymous or anonymous comments. When you click the "submit" button your comment is not yet published it is merely sent to me for my approval or deletion. Commenters who hide behind "handles", nicknames or other pseudonyms will not see their comments published here. If readers won't know who you are, I will delete your comment. No Ring of Gyges for you. I like email addresses that include the submitter's actual name like mine does:

West Virginia, Saint Albans, St. Albans, Dunbar, Charleston, Kanawha, Speaker bureau, speakers bureau, speaker's bureau, speakers' bureau, guest speaker, 25177, 25143, 25303, 25309, 25301, 25302, 25305, 25311, 25314, 25304, neighborhood watch, animal rights, animal welfare, no-kill, shelters, crime watch, neighborhood crime watch, ward 4,vegan, vegetarian, liberal, liberalism, progressive, branding, naming, home rule, dog tethering,  Peoples Party, portmanteaus, ghost writer, ghostwriter, ghostwriting, ghost writing, neologisms, neologism, brand names, brand name, dog racing, Grey2K, Carey Thiel, Phil Kabler, Rob Casto, Holly Fisher, Joel Frewa, kelly stadleman, erin beck, Putnam standard, chris dickerson, west virginia record, rob byers, charleston gazette, Kate White, Pat Ward, Rob Byers, Ann Ali, Jim Workman, Erin Timony, The State Journal, Mandi Cardosi, Laura Bevan, Andi  Bernat, Heather Severt, Heather Perkins, Senge, Deming, Oshry, Seddon,  systems thinking, Rebecca Kimmons, Sarah Halstead, 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Charleston-Huntington Drug Dealers: Send Thank You Cards To The Senators and House Members Below

If you are a Detroit drug dealer and you would like to send thank you notes to the Charleston-Huntington area US Senators and US House members who preserve the drug prohibition system that makes manufacturing and selling dirty drugs lucrative, see their addresses below:

Washington Office of Senator Joe Manchin
US Senator Joe Manchin
306 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510

Charleston Office Of Senator Joe Manchin
900 Pennsylvania Ave
suite 629
Charleston, WV 25302

Washington Office of Senator Shelley Moore Capito
Senator Shelley Moore Capito
172 Russell Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510

Charleston Office of Senator Shelley Moore Capito
Senator Shelley Moore Capito
500 Virginia Street East
Suite 950
Charleston, WV 25301

Washington Office of Second District Representative Alex Mooney
Second District Representative Alex Mooney
1232 Longworth House Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20515

Charleston Office of Second District Representative Alex Mooney
Second District Representative Alex Mooney
405 Capitol Street
suite 514
Charleston, WV 25301

Washington Office of Third District Representative Evan Jenkins
502 Cannon House Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20515

Huntington Office of Third District Representative Evan Jenkins
845 Fifth Ave
suite 314
Huntington, WV 25701

Congress created the drug prohibition system that, like alcohol prohibition before it, actually incentivizes the manufacture and sales of illegal substances. If you are not a drug dealer and you would like for Congress to dismantle the drug prohibition system and replace it with a regulation and taxation system similar to the alcohol regulation system, send your cards and letters to the Charleston-Huntington area congressional members above.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Why Kallie Cart's 2009 News Story About St. Albans Politics Is Being Shared On Social Media

WCHS TV viewers  remember Kallie Cart as the reporter who stood up to Freedom Industries CEO, Gary Southern,  during the Aquapocalypse but a group of St. Albans residents are beginning to know her as the reporter who, on 8 April 2009, reported on the disappearance of an entire city political party. Cart reported that St. Albans has become a single-party town with only the Citizens Party placing mayoral and council candidates on the ballot due to the inactivity of the Peoples Party which didn’t even have an executive committee rendering the party unable to conduct any of the normal business required to be a functioning party.

Seven years later the Peoples Party is, once again, inactive so one Facebook group - St. Albans Peoples Party Reactivation Group  - has placed Kallie Cart’s 2009 news story in the “files” section of the group and is using it as a conversation-starter about  the disadvantages of being a single-party town.

An email from the St. Albans city recorder, Veronica Westfall, confirms that the Peoples Party is inactive and cannot put candidates on the ballot until it re-activates.

The St. Albans Peoples Party Reactivation Group has also placed a document in its “files” section that explains the steps the inactive party must take to reactivate the party.